
All coaching services are in person, on the phone or Skype.  Let yourself receive the gift of personal coaching at a time when support really matters.  Everyone can benefit from the presence of an unbiased coach -- it makes the journey seem much less lonely!


Appointments are one hour per week for a minimum of three months.  All services must be paid for up front --  it takes about three months to establish new behaviors.  If you're willing to pay for three months up front, you're motivated to change!   Please contact Andrea for three month package pricing.


Speaking Topics

  • Reinventing Yourself Through Art and Journaling

  • Healing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Through Art

  • Recovering From Divorce Through Creativity

  • "Is This All There Is?"

  • How De-Cluttering Your House Aids Change

  • How to Be Brave One Step at a Time

  • Getting Clear About What Makes You Happy

Please contact Andrea Dale for pricing.



  • 2 hour Art Journaling Workshop where we'll explore texture and the hidden meaning of shapes and  color.  We will do art exercises and examine what the art may mean in reference to the journey.
  • 3 hour beginning journaling workshop where we'll focus on free form writing -- the kind of writing that helps to heal the soul.  We will teach you how to eliminate your judging voice and write what naturally arises from the depths of your being.  

Pricing is dependent on location and number of participants.  Please contact Andrea Dale for information.